To purchase auto insurance, you will need to provide some basic information about yourself and your vehicle. This can include your name, address, driving record, vehicle make and model, and age. Depending on your location, you may also need to provide proof of financial responsibility or proof of insurance, such as a valid driver's license. Additionally, most car insurance companies require that you have comprehensive and collision coverage, as well as liability insurance. If you are looking for more comprehensive coverage, such as medical payments or uninsured motorist coverage, you may need to purchase additional coverage.
The Georgia law requires that Georgia drivers have liability insurance on all registered vehicles. Make sure to carry proof of insurance in your vehicle as well. The minimum requirements are:
Bodily Injury Liability- This to cover at least 25,000 which covers the injury or the death to any person from an auto accident. The 50,000 is to cover injuries or death to more than one person which results from a single auto accident.
Property Damage Liability- coverage for 25,000 to cover any damages to the property of others caused by an accident.
What happens if I do not have the minimum coverage? If you do not have the minimum coverage then you will not be capable of registering your vehicle. If you are caught without minimum coverage then you will be punished with fines, suspended license and jail time. You can always call Budget auto insurance and they will be happy to give you quote that will suit you. They have a lot of affordable companies that you will really love.
To ensure you are getting the best coverage for your needs, Budget Insurance Agency is here to help.
Don’t hesitate to get an auto insurance quote on a personalized budget auto insurance policy in Snellville, GA right now! Contact us at 855-218-6308 or request an online quote right now!